Thursday, August 20, 2009


I'd take the Tell the Truth challenge. Well actually, its not a big challenge for me. To tell you the truth I cant hardly even try to tell a lie especially when it comes to my family and friends and even somebody but white lies (too small that you can ever imagine like: not helping or giving foods to some beggars eventhough I have money or food inside my bag, i'll just said "sorry" or sometimes run) sometimes.

Its too hard for me to do some such lies, my conscience is always there its like a river that never stops running. I cant find an exact word for it but its really hard for me, promise. Its not that I am being boastful but that the reality.

Every white lie that I am telling its like its killing me. It never stops flashing ang rewinding and rewinding and rewiding in my mind. If I will suffer such a sleepless nights that only means that I have done something that my conscience cant afford. Except I am doing some school works.

I realize that I am realy the real me infront of any body and everybody. I am not a poser I am just me. Me and only me.

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